Friday, October 3, 2014

Rap and Music

This week we were talking about gangsta rap, and how most people tend to like it. Me that isn't for me, I just don't like the lyrics, and the hard bass it uses tends set my hard rhythm off. We all have our own music that we listen too. Alot of people refer to this as what came out in the 80s and early 90s, you Snoop Dog, Run DMZ, they always talked about killing people some even referred to killing cops.
 I found that mostly the younger generation prefer this style of music, you hear it coming out of cars on the road, that have the big power amps, and big woofer speakers. To me that just an easy way to ruin your hearing with all that loud music.
This is a video link I did of an old Ice Cube video.

1 comment:

  1. I like your take on why you cant tolerate it, and I can respect that, but as an avid listener, I know snoop dogg wasn't one of the rappers talking about killing off cops, and run DMC didn't do it quite at all they were a positive rap group rapping about adidas, and rocking this way, and making Christmas songs.
