Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chocolate Around the World

I love Chocolate, its my favorite sweet. So I thought it would be fun to talk about those kinds of packages. Lets take a look at M&M's from around the world how they differ from each other.

Each one has the large M&M logo at the center, making it easy to tell what you are getting in each pack. Flavors might change, but mostly all of the packs are even the same size and shape.

United State




Germany Special Edition




I believe M&M is a good example of packaging that doesn't change much from country to country. It seems that M&M keeps it simple, the world over, but not all companies do that with their products. 

For example, here is a Kit Kat from the United States:

This looks like your typical chocolate bar, and the wrapper is something we recognize. I see the same thing in the M&M wrappers, but the words might change. Even so, I can still get the chocolate I know and desire. 
Now lets look at a Kit Kat from Japan:

Not only do they have the regular chocolate that is the original flavor, but they have Green Tea, Strawberry, Edamame Soybean, Purple Sweet Potato, Hot Japanese Chili, Red Bean Sandwich and Wasabi. They use the same logo, but change the color of the wrapper to match the contents. 

You might have seen a similar thing happening in the United States for a few new flavors of Kit Kat, like white chocolate and dark chocolate, but Japan, the have over a dozen different flavors.

Not only do the colors one the wrappers change, but they also add in images as to what is in each flavor, as if to entice the buyer who desires that kind of treat. 

Imagine how hard it is just to choose between a Snickers, Kit Kat or Reeses Peanut Butter Cup here in the United States. How overwhelmed would you feel to have to choose a Kit Kat in Japan? I don't know if I could decide between Purple Sweet Potato or Hot Japanese Chili. I'm kidding, but you get the idea. If the consumer has these many options, don't you think they would just give up at some point and just go with what they know? How often do you venture outside of the foods you know?

I often find myself trying new things at places I've been to many times, but there are times when I just want what I have always liked. I guess it depends on the person.


  1. I am somebody who always sticks to what they know. I hate going out and trying new things. So for me, all of that sounds horrible. But, I'm sure it's a typical thing in Japan just like the white, dark, and milk chocolates are normal to us. It is more of a cultural thing. But I do thin the advertising on the Japan Kit Kats is smart. Showing the product of the flavor your getting is smart because the people who enjoy those foods will see that and be like "Hey! That sounds really good right now but I don't wanna go home and make it! Why not just grab a kit kat that tastes like it?" Packaging is a way to sell the product and I think these Japanese Kit Kats do an excellent job of selling their candy.

  2. I love this! I had no idea about the different kinds of kit-kats! That's whats so great about this world--there's so much diversity and room for being unique and different! Also a fun thing to think about--M&Ms are so big in America. I mean think of in Vegas on the strip that huge M&M store! How crazy would it be if Kit-kats were that big here? I wonder what makes different countries like different kinds of music. Is it effected by media and advertising? I think so.

  3. I agree with Tessa, I don't normally like trying new things. But I love how inside each of these candies, there is something fit for everyone. Because of the regional marketing business, this enables new products, in hopes of building customers for life, instead of just a one time thing.

  4. I love trying new things! Your blog makes me realize how much I love to travel and to learn about these cultures. I for one would try each one of these at least one!
